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Decorations for a bedroom makeover

Decorations for a bedroom makeover

£15 could pay for decorations for a critically ill child who wishes for a bedroom makeover.
Regular price £15.00
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Your donation could help more children like Tiara, who wished for a princess themed bedroom makeover.

Tiara has Marfan syndrome which causes her body to grow abnormally. "The news was so hard to take. They can't give any time frames for Tiara's life. She spends more of her time in there. The biggest difference is now she can play in there as well as sleep as there's more room for her toys. Just this morning, she and her sister were playing in her room together before they came down. Every day we get something from it" - Jon, Tiara's dad

Your symbolic gift is a donation that helps us grant wishes for critically ill children before it's too late. ​